Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shanganess Park

I look for words dear Blanca
A sigh of not relief but
An avalanche of memoirs, mostly the joyous celebrations
Magical moments resonating over these ragged minds
Not long time ago, your word was a world to my soul
It is now silhouetted shadows of distance battle fields.
Like a bronzed statuettes of yesterday foot soldiers
Mine on a rock scribbled Anta Habibi Shanganess!
Tweeting birds tweets merrily while they shit on my chiseled shoulders.
I’m only a vagrant in your immaculate green lawns
Allow me peasant to lay in a piece of your heroin’s corner
In loving memory, write your words in stencil
Across my broad shoulders, here lay the Sword eternal
And eternal will I smile in rain wind and the summer heat.


~~Allowing those special to be with the other guy and wanting to not let go, better sleep tight on a cold cold Cementry named after her~~~