Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gillian's Little White Shirt

Gillians little white shirt was on the line last night
Free styling on every whoosh of the wind
Snow white soft and and free

I cant get enough of Gillian's little white shirt.


~~Gillian's tiny outfits just does it for me, I love you Whispersnapper~~~

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shanganess Park

I look for words dear Blanca
A sigh of not relief but
An avalanche of memoirs, mostly the joyous celebrations
Magical moments resonating over these ragged minds
Not long time ago, your word was a world to my soul
It is now silhouetted shadows of distance battle fields.
Like a bronzed statuettes of yesterday foot soldiers
Mine on a rock scribbled Anta Habibi Shanganess!
Tweeting birds tweets merrily while they shit on my chiseled shoulders.
I’m only a vagrant in your immaculate green lawns
Allow me peasant to lay in a piece of your heroin’s corner
In loving memory, write your words in stencil
Across my broad shoulders, here lay the Sword eternal
And eternal will I smile in rain wind and the summer heat.


~~Allowing those special to be with the other guy and wanting to not let go, better sleep tight on a cold cold Cementry named after her~~~